Trezor @Login - Connecting Safe Trezor®

Trezor @Login - Connecting Safe Trezor®. The Trezor login process ensures secure access to your cryptocurrency assets, offering authentication and verification measures …

Logging into MetaMask with Trezor

Using a Trezor hardware wallet with MetaMask enhances security for managing your cryptocurrencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide to logging into MetaMask with your Trezor device:


  1. Trezor Wallet:

    • Ensure you have a Trezor hardware wallet (Trezor One or Trezor Model T).

    • Set up your Trezor wallet by following the instructions provided by Trezor, including initializing the device and backing up the recovery seed phrase.

  2. MetaMask Extension:

    • Install the MetaMask extension on your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, or Edge).

Steps to Login

  1. Connect Your Trezor:

    • Connect your Trezor device to your computer using a USB cable.

  2. Open MetaMask:

    • Click on the MetaMask icon in your browser toolbar to open the extension.

  3. Access Hardware Wallets:

    • Click on the account icon (a circular icon) at the top right corner of MetaMask.

    • Select "Connect Hardware Wallet" from the dropdown menu.

  4. Choose Trezor:

    • In the hardware wallet connection options, select "Trezor."

    • Click "Continue."

  5. Trezor Bridge Installation (if not already installed):

    • You might be prompted to install the Trezor Bridge. Follow the instructions to download and install it.

    • After installation, refresh the MetaMask extension.

  6. Authorize Connection:

    • MetaMask will now communicate with your Trezor device.

    • Follow the on-screen instructions on both MetaMask and the Trezor device to authorize the connection.

    • On your Trezor device, confirm the action to export the public keys.

  7. Select Ethereum Account:

    • After authorizing, MetaMask will display a list of Ethereum accounts associated with your Trezor.

    • Select the account you want to use and click "Unlock."

  8. Using Your Trezor Account:

    • Your Trezor account will now appear in MetaMask.

    • You can switch between your MetaMask and Trezor accounts by clicking on the account icon.

Managing Transactions

  1. Initiate Transactions:

    • To send Ethereum or tokens, click "Send" in MetaMask.

    • Enter the recipient’s address and the amount to send.

  2. Confirm Transactions on Trezor:

    • When you initiate a transaction, you’ll be prompted to confirm it on your Trezor device.

    • Verify the transaction details on the Trezor screen and confirm.

  3. Receive Funds:

    • To receive funds, share your Trezor-managed Ethereum address.

    • Incoming transactions will be reflected in MetaMask.

Security Tips

  • Keep Firmware Updated: Ensure your Trezor firmware is up to date to benefit from the latest security features.

  • Secure Seed Phrase: Your Trezor seed phrase is crucial for recovery. Store it securely and never share it.

  • Phishing Awareness: Always verify the URL when accessing MetaMask and Trezor interfaces to avoid phishing scams.

By following these steps, you can securely manage your Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens using MetaMask with your Trezor hardware wallet, combining the user-friendly interface of MetaMask with the robust security of Trezor.

Last updated